Kas Total Rickallis tapeti mitteparasiit?
2016-07-08 23:33:07 UTC
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In Rick and Morty season 2 episode 4 (Total Rickall), the protagonists have to kill a bunch of shapeshifting parasites that implant false memories in the victims and then take the form of the person that the memories describe. When a parasite dies, it immediately shifts back to its original, parasitic form. However, in a short clip from the episode, one creature doesn't shift back. Does anyone know who he is and why he might be important?

enter image description here

And here's the clip that I found it from, starting at the appropriate time:

EDIT: He's been identified as the Amish Cyborg by a commenter. But the thing that confuses me is how he doesn't shift when he's killed. The parasites usually shift before they even hit the ground, but it's as if the show creators purposefully drew out the scene so the audience could realize he wasn't shapeshifting. The scene changed a moment after he had hit the ground, with no evidence of changing into a parasite when he should've been mid-transformation by that point.
See lõikub siiski üsna järsult ära. Võib-olla ta lihtsalt ei morfeerinud kohe. [Vaadake, kui palju aega võttis onu Steve] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vbVvF5wWqf0).
"Kes ta on" on Amish Cyborg. http://rickandmorty.wikia.com/wiki/Amish_Cyborg
Amish Cyborgi veri on lilla ja tema silmad hakkavad punnitama. (Kui märkate, on hr Poopy Butthole tulistamisel tema veri punane.) Ma arvan, et ta on parasiit.
Kaks vastused:
Itta Poopoo
2017-08-27 17:28:10 UTC
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Kindlasti parasiit. Algselt oli tema näo vasakul küljel kaks küberneetilist silma. Põrandale põrkudes on tal kunagise küberneetilise silma kohal kaks regulaarselt punnis silma ja üks küberneetiline silm.

2017-04-05 15:13:04 UTC
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Onu Steve'il läks tagasipöördumine aega! Võib-olla tahtsid loojad lihtsalt rõhutada, kui palju parasiite oli ja 'Amish Cyborg' ei saanud selleks ajaks ekraaniaega.

Hea saak siiski!

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